Peacock’s Rainbow Feathers

Book cover for Peacocks Rainbow Feathers


Ages 0+. Written by Lila Mitzie, Illustrated by Suzanne Herbert.

5 Stars: Must Have for Every Youngster’s Library

Petey the Peacock breaks gender stereotype with his careful consideration on what feather will best suit each of his critter friends*. This short and sweet book is colourful, fun to read, great for grabby hands, and has a good moral to boot.


Gender Bias BUSTED

I love this book for having an explicitly female character (Rosie rabbit), a character with an gender neutral name (Nell the turtle!) and two ungendered characters, Mouse and Little Skunk. 

Rhythmic Read

Good rhymes with an easy reading rhythm.

Great Sensory Options

5 unique sensory patches of good quality! The patterned turtle shell is my favorite, my little’s favorite are the sequins on the cover.

Buy it on Amazon now!

*Peacock tail feathers grow back in about 7 months, it’s OK.