Little Quack Counts


Ages 1+. Written by Lauren Thompson, Illustrated by Derek Anderson.

4 Stars: Story Driven Counting book

A breath of fresh air after a billion one-a-page ‘2 fuzzy lumpkins, 1 swaddled grue’ picture books, this one tells a story with its counting. It also goes from 1 to 5 and then counts backwards back to 1. Despite the 1+ age listing, my little enjoyed this one at 10 months.


Gender Diversity

I’m pretty sure Little Quack’s sister Widdle, who accompanies Little Quack, is supposed to be a female duckling. Maybe it’s the flower behind an ear.

Solid Moral

If you’re in trouble, find a trusted adult! Always a good lesson to impart.

(Almost) Easy focus ARt

About every other page has clearcut art design so your little can see exactly what you’re counting and point along.

Buy it on Amazon now!

My little loves the beeeeeees.


Puppy Dog! Puppy Dog! What Can You See?


Ages 0+. Written by Amelia Hepworth, Illustrated by Pintachan.

4 Stars: A Fun Addition for Lift The Flap Enthusiasts

Not just a Brown Bear, Brown Bear knockoff; this little gem makes it easy to feign enthusiasm for the billionth time when reading it to your little.  Its hefty flaps feature well designed art to hint at who’s behind each flap, building story anticipation.


‘Surprise’ ending

Your little reader’s smile when they lift the final flap to see their own face (and yours, too) is sooo satisfying.

Sturdy construction

If your little one normally shreds lift the flap books, this may be the book for you. It’s well designed to keep the flaps in place, though at the cost of number of pages.

Bright, Artistic Colour Choices

Not all art is created equal. This book is aesthetically pleasing! 

Buy it on Amazon now!

Plus, it’s got a tortoise. That’s cool.


Peacock’s Rainbow Feathers

Book cover for Peacocks Rainbow Feathers


Ages 0+. Written by Lila Mitzie, Illustrated by Suzanne Herbert.

5 Stars: Must Have for Every Youngster’s Library

Petey the Peacock breaks gender stereotype with his careful consideration on what feather will best suit each of his critter friends*. This short and sweet book is colourful, fun to read, great for grabby hands, and has a good moral to boot.


Gender Bias BUSTED

I love this book for having an explicitly female character (Rosie rabbit), a character with an gender neutral name (Nell the turtle!) and two ungendered characters, Mouse and Little Skunk. 

Rhythmic Read

Good rhymes with an easy reading rhythm.

Great Sensory Options

5 unique sensory patches of good quality! The patterned turtle shell is my favorite, my little’s favorite are the sequins on the cover.

Buy it on Amazon now!

*Peacock tail feathers grow back in about 7 months, it’s OK.